Honoring Frances’ Legacy
Frances will leave an incredible legacy of leadership when she retires in December 2022. Let’s help turn that legacy into tangible support for the work ahead of us!
We are celebrating Frances’ 42-year career in philanthropy on December 15 from 5pm to 6pm at NXTHVN, 169 Henry Street, New Haven, CT as she comes to the close of her 18 years with Universal Health Care Foundation of CT.
Frances has a BIG wish:
To leave behind a fund that will help Universal put more money in the field to support grassroots community organizing for health justice – organizing that is led by and centered in Black and Brown communities – people who are too often left behind by the current health system in Connecticut.
Frances is passionate about building community power for health justice and it’s a priority at Universal.
Why? People have power. Organized and acting together, the voice of the people can drive change that centers their needs, not the needs of coordinated political, corporate and lobbying interests that protect the status quo.
Universal is partnering with grassroots community organizing groups to power the change they want to see.
You can help make Frances’ dream a reality.
Our goal is to raise $42,000 to honor Frances’ 42 years of service to jumpstart the Powering a Healthy Future Fund.
With your partnership and pledge, we can share good news with Frances on December 15!
We hope you can join us on December 15, 2022 between 5pm and 9pm at NXTHVN, 169 Henry St, New Haven, CT.
Questions? Contact Lynne Ide at [email protected]
Frances' Retirement Celebration
RSVP and Pledge Form
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