Activists Deliver Message at Health Care Action Day
Everyday people are too often left out of the public policy debate.
On March 14, 60 activists made sure their voices were heard at the Protect Our Care CT Campaign’s Health Care Action Day in Hartford.
The goal of the day: Tell your state senator and representative what health care issues you care about and urge them to take action this year.
The activists focused on 4 key issues (Check out the fact sheet):
- Addressing the rising costs of prescription drugs
- Restoring cuts to Medicaid (HUSKY) made last year
- Putting federal protections for quality health care plans into state law
- Exploring a new way to expand health care choices via a Medicaid public option
For two hours, activists fanned out in the legislative office building. They connected with close to a third of the state’s 151 lawmakers and left messages for those they didn’t reach.
They also raised their visibility in the building’s atrium, bringing the normal clamor in the busy space to a hush. Their “human billboard” spelled out:
Protect Our Care CT says: We All Need Care. (Check out the video)
Check out some pictures from the day’s activities –
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