Restraining Prescription Drug Prices: Final Report from Connecticut’s Healthcare Cabinet
By Jill Zorn
Fair and affordable drug prices are crucial to preserve and protect our health.
Last week the Healthcare Cabinet released their final report recommending state government strategies for restraining prescription drug prices. A copy of the report, Recommendations on Pharmaceutical Cost Containment Strategies, can be found HERE. The report includes a two-page Executive Summary and information about legislation that has passed in other states.
The report is the culmination of a year-long process of educational sessions and work group meetings, with many different stakeholders, including consumers, participating. Before the report was finalized, 37 public comments were received.
Universal Health Care Foundation was an active participant in the Cabinet process. Now it is time to see if some of the recommendations can make it over the finish line in the Connecticut General Assembly. Legislation is expected as soon as next week and we are encouraging people and organizations to submit testimony.
Passing any legislation will be an uphill battle. Powerful forces, including pharmaceutical corporation and insurance company lobbyists, will be determined to limit or completely stop bills. That’s why it will be important for the voices of every-day people to be heard.
If you care about prescription drug affordability, if you have a story to tell about how you, a family member, a patient, or a friend have faced challenges in affording necessary prescription drugs, please consider submitting written testimony or even testifying in person. Watch this space for more information once a bill and hearing date are announced.
Read our previous blog on the Cabinet recommendations HERE
Read our fact sheet HERE