Your time to speak up on health insurance rates is running out…
Next Wednesday, September 4, the Connecticut Insurance Department is holding a hearing on health insurance rates.
There’s still time to speak up – both online and in person!
This year’s rate review hearing is focusing on individual and small group plans sold on Access Health CT, but even if your plan is not part of the hearing, you can still submit comment.
You can submit comment online for any individual and small group rates (and we have a handy guide for that!). While we weren’t sure how long the comment period would remain active, a quick check at the CT Insurance Department website on rate review shows that the web portal is still accepting online comments. Tell the Connecticut Insurance Department how raising rates on your plan will impact you.
Learn more with our blog post all about rate review, which includes who is impacted.
While testifying in person can be a challenge – after all, it’s in a building tucked away in Hartford in the middle of the work day – you should attend and testify if you’re able. The hearing is Wednesday, September 4, 2019, starting at 9am, at the Connecticut Insurance Department (7th Floor Conference Room of 153 Market Street, Hartford).
Need more information? Have a story to share about how rising health insurance rates impacts you? Reach out to us at